Tuesday, November 10, 2015

One Click Digital

I love ONE CLICK DIGITAL.  I am able to load a book to listen to onto my iphone and it keeps me going while I work out.

Good walk at lunchtime at the gym today, I got in 35 laps!  WOO HOO!  best yet.  I try to walk all the time in lane 3, so I can figure out about how far I walked.  To get a mile in Lane 3 it take 14 laps.  So that means today I walked about 2 1/2 miles during my 45 minutes.  I know that my time is accurate, as I get onto the track, I set a timer.   I finish the lap I am on when the timer goes off.  I am enjoying my walk each day. 

My knees have felt a little better today.  Hopefully they will continue to improve.

The wind kicked up tonight, and I almost decided not to take the dog for a walk.  But I did it.  I put on my flannel lined pants, a good coat , hat and gloves and off we went.   Once I get going it is all fine and the dog loves it. 

I am doing this for ME!


Woke up today to snow coming down, it had stopped by the time that I left the gym.  I enjoy the winter, even more when the snow sticks to the ground, but not the roads and sidewalks,

Saturday, my husband woke up with a sore back so we didn't get to the gym.  We did have a fun day shopping and watching football games.

Sunday I did take the dog for a couple of walks, trying to get some movement in, since I didn't do anything on Saturday.

I was back hitting it hard on Monday, 30 minute walk with the dog in the early morning, 45 minutes around the track at they fitness center, then another 30 minute walk with the dog in the evening.

My knees are still bothering me.  I found an article on exercises for legs before a knee replacement, so tried some of them last night.  Some really easy, some a little harder.  I think I'll try to do them every day and maybe look for some others.  I don't really want to be taking too many ibupropen, so will be looking for better solutions.

I still need to work on eating better.  I did good for breakfast, a protein shake, then a grapefruit before going to the gym.  Leftover pizza 2 small slices for lunch.  But dinner, some chips, cheese, and salsa with a glass of milk.  Then when I was feeling a little hungry I had a root beer float.  The food is truly my downfall, I need to get in under control or I will not lose weight.

I am doing this for ME!

Friday, November 6, 2015

The Day Care Kids

During my lunch walk at the gym today, I was joined by about 12-15 kids from their day care.  They walked in all lined up single file and headed straight to the wall side of the track.  They each put a hand on the wall and ran around the track once.  They got back to where they started, each with their hand on the wall.  This time they skipped their way around the track, a couple of them slipping and falling on top of each other.  There were no tears, just helping each other back up and continuing on their way.  They were having a fun time.  They walked backwards across the track and back into their classroom.  They put a smile on my face today, as I challenged them to beat me on my lap.  They did and were so excited about that.

Today I did 33 laps around the track in my 45 minutes, I either really did go faster today than yesterday or didn't keep very good track one of the days. 

I enjoyed my walk today listening to a book on my iphone.  So glad for the modern technology that makes the time go by fast while walking.

I am doing this for ME!

Good Morning

I did it!  I got up this morning and went to the gym, I didn't let myself get distracted or discouraged, I just got up and went.  I did 30 minutes on the elipitical, then walked around the track for 15 minutes.  I came home and took the dog on a 15 minute walk, and just like that I have 60 minutes of exercise in this morning. 

I came prepared to go back to the gym at lunch time.

I am doing this for ME!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Health to Fitness Program

I started a Health to Fitness Program with the Hospital a few months ago.  We meet every other week and have lectures on things to improve out Health.  Last night there were about 15 people in the class.  We had a guest speaker who came and talked about doing our own fitness program.  She didn't say anything that I don't already know, but hearing it again sparks the interest in doing things to make me be healthier. 

My knees have been sore the last few days, a combination of the bike races I did last week and working in the yard I think.  Today they are feeling a little better, I know that getting the weight off will help them a lot. 

I am 53 years old and have always had a problem with me weight, I know that I will have to work at it every day to get it off and keep it off.  I need to work on finding things that I enjoy to keep me busy and active.  I want to be able to enjoy my life each and every day.

Writing in here is already helping.  I will continue to do this.  As often as needed every day.

I am doing this for ME.

The Starting Point

I went to the Fitness Center during lunch.  They are doing a "Maintain Don't Gain" program during the holidays, so I joined it today.  I walked around the track for 45 minutes, I did 30 laps, that is just over 2 miles.  I plan to go there every day during lunch and do 45 minutes.  I plan to add some jogging intervals after a week.

(I flipped this before putting it on here, and it has flipped back, not sure how to fix it now.)

I am going to come to the gym in the mornings, then do the lunch time thing.  In the evenings, I want to do yoga and weight training.

I am doing this for ME!!

A Never Ending Process

I am back at it.  Why do I do good, lose 25 pounds, then stop?  Only to gain most or all of that back.

I know what needs to be done, eat right, exercise, both of which need to be done each and every day. 

One thing I learned this morning, no matter how good my intentions are about going to the gym in the morning, is that if I don't get right up and get there, I talk my self out of it.  So I will just get up and go, stop saying, I'll only look at facebook for a minute, I'll pick up the living room first.  I need to do this for me.  My knees are hurting again, my calves hurt all the time, losing weight will help both of those.

So if anyone out there wants to be encouraging, and go to the gym, or a walk after work, you are more than welcome to join me.

Today's weight - 205.5
Goal by November 12th 204.